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The origins/ Giuseppe Di Massimo

The history of Nemèsia Farm is tied to the entrepreneurship of Giuseppe Di Massimo who, at the tender age of 16, decided to leave for the United States of America in search of work in the early 1900’s. After working for more than 20 years for the Railroad Company between Boston and Chicago, he returned to his native village Pianella in 1922 and bought a few hectares of hilly land which had once belonged to the Marquis de Felici. After a few years he married Nemèsia Scorrano, the daughter of Cesidio Scorrano, who belonged to one of the wealthiest families in the village of Pianella. From this matrimony 3 sons were born: Nevio, Gabriele and Antonio.

The Farm / Nevio and Gabriele

At the start of the 1960’s two of the sons, Nevio and Gabriele, transformed the land they had inherited after the death of their father into an up and running farm business. This they did by constructing new farm buildings and planting new olive groves.

The Organic Philosophy

In the 1990’s, having a philosophy of life that was based on the principle of respect for and the protection of the environment, health and traditional agricultural practices, Nevio and Gabriele understood that taking the step of “going organic” could lead to an important development of their farm. So they started to work in agreement with this new way of growing farm produce and their farm went on to become one of the first farms to be certified as organic in the region.

The Farm / Nevio and Gabriele

In 2010 Nevio’s grandson, Danilo, when he was little more than 20 years old, decided to proudly continue this family tradition. In the years that followed he worked to make the business grow by buying more land, updating the farm equipment and introducing new crops.

The Farm today/Nemèsia

In order to meet the need to promote and sell the farm products in Italy and abroad the business needed to have a name. It was in 2020 that Namèsia was chosen as a name for the farm, it is the name of a rare and beautiful flower but it is also in honor of grandma Nemèsia, whose tenacity and drive gave her the strength to bring up her children when she was left widowed and kept the family united and solid as well as laying the basis for all the good things that the farm has today.

It is a privilege to wake up in the morning happy to do your job,
having the good fortune of your personal passion coinciding with your job,
it is an honor to bring to fruition the sacrifices made by those who have preceded me
working to keep their ideas and teachings alive.

Danilo di Massimo